A group of misfit superheroes, led by a gamer with hidden powers, defends a nation of human-animal hybrids against a monstrous metaverse corporation.

Serial  |  30 minute episodes
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To lay the foundation for a new planetary mythology with a visionary superhero franchise that inspires global audiences with awe, wonder and hope.
B.I.O.M.A.N. explores our collective fears regarding climate change, AI and authoritarianism.  It introduces a novel team of biophilic superheroes each with a power related to the natural world.

The year is 2084. Earth’s natural environment has been devastated; artificial intelligence has almost completely replaced the human workforce and citizens have been neurologically linked into the Darkverse, a metaverse controlled by a heartless AI.

Most of humanity is able to just barely survive by earning a small income gaming within the Darkverse; while the super-wealthy lead comfortable lives within luxurious weather proof domes the size of cities.

More recently however, humans began mysteriously mutating into animals. These so called ‘Humals’ are vilified in the Darkverse and persecuted IRL by pure bred humans.  
“Nonstop Action”
“Brings the storytelling mojo”
“A rich and satisfying confection”“
A thrilling Superhero Journey.
Smart & thoughtful”

Kirkus Reviews [Starred Review.Best Books 2018]
“The illusion of a separate-self has led humanity to misuse technology for the exploitation of nature and initiate the catastrophic collapse of the systems that support life on Earth.”  
Proteus Desai
We follow ADAM NEURONINE (20), a slacker gamer whose life starts to unravel after he’s identified as the clone of a dead tech mogul. Overnight, he becomes heir to the Darkverse - a global metaverse that watches over and manipulates its billions of users.  Like Hamlet, Adam’s return triggers hallucinations of the dead tech mogul, who gives Machiavellian fatherly advice leading to ironic blowback. 

The unlimited power of the Darkverse controlled by the insidious corporation run by a tyrannical CEO, Emma Payne. After learning about the Payne’s use of the Darkverse to incite genocide of human-animal hybrids (HUMALS), Adam is driven to use his powers and new found wealth to recruit fellow superheroes in order to save the Humals from annihilation. 
B.I.O.M.A.N. is a coming-of-age story about the quest for authentic connection in a fake digital world. It explores our relationship with other sentient species and evolves our understanding to see ourselves as part of a living organism.

It is a superhero epic, set amid the dysfunction and indifference of a family run corporate empire that prioritizes profit and popularity over life and freedom.

B.I.O.M.A.N taste fully expresses a powerful moral vision through characters, plot & story structure. An allegory digestible for global audiences, highlighting both our common palpable and existential struggles to create a sustainable and free future.        

Like Avatar: The Last Airbender, B.I.O.M.A.N draws upon ancient wisdom traditions, helping us to understand our responsibility to consciously use our technology to restore planetary well-being.  
Self-described as HUMALS, these human-animal hybrids have special powers related to the animal in which they are mutating into. As in Netflix’s Sweet Tooth, some people develop feline claws, winged arms, exo-skeletons, gills for deep-sea diving or echolocation capabilities.

As a Humal’s mutation progresses, they increasingly lose the ability for human speech, further isolating them from humanity. Their ability to psychically communicate over large distances however, creates a global community for themselves far larger and more interconnected than anything the Darkverse offers.

Some Humals begin communicating with humans through AI, while others shun this as a sign of reverting back to their earlier existence as a basic, devolved human.       

Hunted by both Darkstone and a number of experimental biology labs, Humals live in a perpetual state of crisis, reluctantly reliant on the protection of B.I.O.M.A.N. for their survive.
During a thrilling season one, Adam struggles against all odds to recruit five other misfit superheroes’ to form B.I.O.M.AN. Each superhero is flawed and on a journey of redemption. They each possess unique superpowers tied to one of the six kingdoms of life. 

Together they risk their lives to fight an impossibly powerful corporation, headed by a ruthless CEO hellbent on global domination and elimination of the “unclean” humals.

The persecuted Humals only hope for salvation is an exodus and rebirth in Los Angeles, a free yet lawless desert town. That can only happen if Adam and his team can earn the trust of the humals and come together to work to build a new free and fair society in balance with nature.
Future seasons will explore existential issues that global audiences can identify and engage with.  Fans of the series will learn that the Darkverseis ruled by SINE, an enhanced digital copy of Arthur Darkstone’s mind and is on a mission to bring terrestrial order by any means possible.

Persecuted Humals from around the world descend upon LA. Their growing regenerative society is under constant threat from marauders, dust storms, and SINE who fears the unpredictable magical powers of the city’s free-thinking, creative residents.

Over many epic seasons, audiences will be rooting for Adam to keep B.I.O.M.AN. and the humals united in an ongoing conflict with SINE. We have mixed the best of Avengers and Avatar to create a superhero series that will entertain and inspire a generation hungry for new hope.   


1930s:Golden Age

Inspired by Greek Gods Fantasy Powers Invincible /Perfect

Archetypal Super hero Individual over Universe Few characters Dominate


1960s: Silver Age

Extraordinary but relatable Alter-egos/secret Ids Universe concept evolves

Edgy & Light hearted Universe Over Individuals B&C properties also popular


1990s: Modern Age

Grim & Gritty No Capes, Ordinary people Morally ambiguous

Adopt Non-action Genres Realistic Universe & Science Diversity in race/sex


2020s: Solar Age

Optimistic & Conscious Authentic Activist Regenerative Powers

Metaverse Story telling Quantum Holographic Worlds Diversity in Species

Beyond the foundational novel, motion-comic and television series, the world of B.I.O.M.A.N has all the makings of a hit superhero Metaverse. 

We have mixed the best of Play and earn game design with sustainable tokenomics to create a biophilic metaverse, BIOMAN BIOVERSE,  that will entertain and inspire a generation hungry for hope in the future. 

The Metaverse is currently in pre-production and has attracted A-list talent from gaming and blockchain/NFT studios.

B.I.O.M.A.N. is a new planetary mythology that emerges full of magical new species, a futuristic metaverse, and a dynamic superhero team with unique powers. The animated production will cast a well-known African American voice-actor to be the protagonist and international stars to attract a large global audience.

This narrative is full of multiple storylines from a range of appealing human and human-animal hybrid characters. Because of diversity in characters and species, there is a chance to explore in-depth our relationship with each other and the natural world in a new visionary Sci-Fi fantasy world.

High production values will add to the profitability a series of this scope. This highly engaging series can draw wide range of adult audiences because of the broad range of characters ages. There is high stakes adventure, moral and ecological message along with theme of courage and overcoming mental health issues. Its diverse ensemble cast will attract audiences of all ethnicities and backgrounds.

The possibilities to explore characters, worlds in spinoffs, film franchises, and original storylines is limitless. Superhero fantasy comparable of this genre shows that these series, and films are huge generators of profit through box office and streaming licensing. The critical fanfare this series would create would allow for an extended shelf life ripe with plenty of spin-off, sequel, and franchise potential. Like Avengers in scope, there is a deep mythology that emerges, evolves, and expands as the series carries on.   
ALFIE RUSTOM was born in the UK into a working-class Zoroastrian family. It was his avid interest in science that took him all the way to a full scholarship for doctoral studies in Physics at the University of St. Andrews. 

For 15 years he traveled the globe building high-performing teams and servicing some of the world’s largest financial institutions, including World Bank, HSBC, Bank of New York and Industrial Commercial Bank of China.

After arriving in New York a few days before 9/11, Alfie experienced the horror of ground zero, at ground zero. Shortly after, he developed a passion for screenwriting from a writer who is also the daughter of Bernard Pomerance; legendary playwright of The Elephant Man.

Years later, Alfie ran operations for a major software company in Hong Kong. When the global financial meltdown happened in 2008, he realized he had been unwittingly deploying weapons of mass financial destruction and decided to set a plan in motion to redeem himself. The plan came to fruition in 2013, when he left financial services and dedicated himself to developing conscious and socially impactful media projects - hence B.I.O.M.A.N.  

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